Fauna and flora videos in the Ardèche

HD videos of fauna and flora in the Ardèche

Here are some beautiful HD videos of the fauna and flora of the Ardèche and its mountains.

Birds at Mas de la Fontenette

They are numerous for those who know how to observe them.

The most common birds are the swallow, the great tit, the blue tit and the blackbird. There are also chattering magpies, red throats, cuckoos, great spotted woodpeckers, grey wagtails, oak jays, tree chaffinches and more. Endemic species include the common raven, jackdaw, hoopoe, oriole, nightingale and bee-eater. Other bird species include the chaffinch, the black-headed warbler, the goldfinch, the rock pigeon, the greenfinch, the swift chicken and the common nuthatch. Birds of prey include the little owl, the short-toed eagle, the Bonelli’s eagle, the bearded vulture, the griffon vulture, the kestrel, the Pellerin falcon, the red kite, the black kite and others. Some are present only occasionally, particularly during the major spring and autumn migrations. The European oriole nests in the trees at Mas de la Fontenette. Like the little owl, it is present in spring and summer. It spends the winter in Africa

Mammals at Mas de la Fontenette

On the Mas de la Fontenette estate, we managed to film (using a camera trap) a fox, a weasel, a genet and a weasel. During the day, a red squirrel occasionally frolics in the trees and by the pool.

Insects at Mas de la Fontenette

The main insect is the cicada, which is present for around two months of the year in summer. Its harmonious, haunting song is just the thing to put you to sleep.

The praying mantis is a formidable hunter, devouring its prey


Numerous species (including protected species) in the Ardèche

In addition to the fauna found directly at Mas de la Fontenette (see above), the Ardèche has a wealth of wildlife (including many protected species). These include the circaête, the bonnelli eagle, the bearded gipaête, the griffon vulture, the kestrel and the pellerin falcon, the petit duc, the red kite, the green lizard and the ocellated lizard. There are also beavers, coypu, otters, red squirrels, weasels, weasels and genets.

Marmots can even be found in the Ardèche mountains, at the foot of Mont Gerbier de Jonc and Mezenc. Did you know that? They are part of a reintroduction programme and have adapted very well


The Ardèche gorges nature reserve

The Gorges de l’Ardèche nature reserve in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has existed since 1980. It covers almost 2,000 hectares of the Ardèche gorges, a 22 km-long canyon that has been shaped for almost 110 million years. More than a thousand plant species have been recorded in the Nature Reserve


A free app to identify birdsong

The BirdNET mobile app lets you put a name to all those birds you hear but can’t identify. The database has been developed jointly by the Ornithology Laboratory at Cornell University (USA) and Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany)

A free app for identifying plants

Mas de la Fontenette also uses the free PlantNet application, which allows you to identify a plant from a photo. You can also obtain a remarkable description of the plant
