Ardèche activities more than 1 hour away by car

Activities in the Ardèche more than an hour’s drive away

For the activities in the Ardèche below, you’ll need your car to get around. Most are around 1 hour’s drive away. See also our Activities within an hour’s drive page.

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If you’re prepared to explore beyond an hour’s drive from Mas de la Fontenette, the Ardèche and the surrounding area offer immense opportunities. Here are a few suggestions.

Nature and outdoor activities in the Ardèche

  1. Mont Gerbier de JoncPolylang
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  2. Mont MézencPolylang
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  3. Lac d’IssarlèsPolylang
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  4. Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d’ArdèchePolylang
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Cultural and historical activities in the Ardèche

  1. Château de CrussolPolylang
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  2. Abbaye de MazanPolylang
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Gourmet visits in the Ardèche

  1. Route des Vins des Côtes du RhônePolylang
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  2. Crocodile Farm in PierrelattePolylang
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Family activities in the Ardèche

  1. Safari de PeaugresPolylang
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  2. Train de l’ArdèchePolylang
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  3. Parc des Loups du GévaudanPolylang
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These suggestions will enable you to discover even more of the natural, cultural and historical wealth of the Ardèche and the surrounding area. All this while enjoying a variety of activities to suit all tastes.